Czech and Slovak National Anthems

Listen to the Czech National Anthem

Ceská národní hymna

Kde domov můj,
kde domov můj?

Voda hucí po lučinách,
bory šumí po skalinách,
v sadě skví se jara květ,
zemský ráj to na pohled.

A to je ta krásná země
země česká, domov můj,
země česká, domov můj,

Czech National Anthem

Where is my home,
Where is my home?

Waters running through the meadows,
Pines are whispering on the hills,
Orchards dressed in spring's array
An earthly Paradise portray.

And this land of wonderous beauty
Is the Czech land, home of mine,
Is the Czech land, home of mine.

Listen to the Slovak National Anthem

Slovenská národná hymna

Nad Tatrou sa blýska
hromy divo bijú.

Nad Tatrou sa blýska
hromy divo bijú.

Zastavme ich bratia,
ved'sa ony stratia,
Slováci ožijú.

Zastavme ich bratia,
ved'sa ony stratia,
Slováci ožijú.

To Slovensko naše
dosial' tvrdo spalo,

To Slovensko naše
dosial' tvrdo spalo,

Ale blesky hromu
vzbudzujú ho k tomu,
aby sa prebralo.

Ale blesky hromu
vzbudzujú ho k tomu,
aby sa prebralo.

Slovak National Anthem

Above Tatra lightning flashes
and thunder roars.

Above Tatra lightning flashes
and thunder roars.

Let us stop them, brothers,
they will surely vanish,
Slovaks will revive.

Let us stop them, brothers,
they will surely vanish,
Slovaks will revive.

That Slovakia of ours
has been fast asleep so far,

That Slovakia of ours
has been fast asleep so far,

But the thunder's lightning
is shaking it
to its revival.

But the thunder's lightning
is shaking it
to its revival.

Czech and Slovak National Anthems

Listen to the anthems and learn the lyrics so you can join in with confidence when we sing these songs at our events.

Sokol Notes - Winter 2016

Read all about Sokol Los Angeles and its current happenings!

Event Photos

All of our photos can now be accessed by clicking "Event Photos" in the left column of the page.

Czech and Slovak Name Days

If you know someone with one of these Czech names, wish them all the best on their Name Day. Click here to learn more about Czech and Slovak name days.

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Dr. Miroslav Tyrs

Founded the Sokol organization in the Czech lands in 1862.

Tyrs with Sokol